Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a therapy that uses the body's meridians and is commonly referred to as Tapping. Many pains stem from traumas experienced in childhood before the age of 7. This can be major traumas, but very often, are experiences that although may be considered "minor", have caused life-long difficulties, such as being told that you were stupid or ugly, and you have held onto these beliefs for many years.



EFT works on blockages in the body by tapping the fingers along cerain meridian points whilst saying affirmations.

Tapping is effective in helping issues such as:

  • Pain
  • Trauma
  • Phobias
  • Relationships
  • Money issues
  • Motivation
  • Insomnia
  • Weight management

Very often, the issue that a client may be seeking help for, such as weight management, stems from a deeper issue that EFT is able to root out. The purpose of EFT is to get to the real bottom of an issue and clear that, enabling you to live your best life and feel the success and happiness that you deserve.