Do you offer free consultation?
Yes, a free 20 minute consultation is offered for all new clients to discuss how best I can help them. Sessions can be online or by phone.
Will I have to re-live any trauma?
No; the beauty of my services is that treatment can be given without the need to discuss the trauma with your practioner.
Do you provide counselling?
No; NLP, EFT and Sleep consultancy work differently to counselling and leans more towards visualisation than discussing your deepest thoughts.
How many sessions will I need?
The amount of sessions will depend on individual needs and the answer to this can often be assessed in the first couple of meetings.
Do I have to sign up for a minimum amount of sessions?
No; sessions are booked one at a time and there is no "tie-in". You may of course, book a regular slot in advance if you wish to. Discounts are available for block bookings of 4 sessions or more.
Do you provide hyponotherapy sessions with NLP?
No, as it is unadvisable to do so online.